Anyone can participate in the hackathon. Participation is free.
The structure of Fu-turismo:
- In Fu-turismo there are 7 thematic areas. Each thematic area contains one or more opportunities.
- For example:
- Thematic area: Tourism and nature
- Opportunities: Tourism enhancement of rivers, streams and lakeshores in the Alpine regions
- During a 24-hour online marathon the participants, divided into teams of minimum 3 and maximum 8 people, create ideas and projects to enhance the opportunity.
- A project/idea can respond to only one opportunity. A team can only submit one project/idea.
Deliver projects at the end of 24 hours
The teams will work independently, supported by Mentors and themes experts, in an online collaborative environment (Slack). At the end of the 24 hours, each team will have to present the final work. A single person for each team will have to fill in an online submission form in which to include:
A presentation with 5 slides
- Cover: Project title/idea and opportunity, team name.
- A brief bio of the team members
- Explanation of the idea/project + the SDGs it touches (if any)
- Desired impact: indication of the positive economic, social and environmental impact that the idea/project aims to achieve.
- Plans for the future + next 3 steps: indications of the activities planned in the medium term plus an indication, as precise as possible, of the next three steps.
The presentation, in PDF format, is uploaded in the project submission form.
A 2-minute video
Recorded by one or more team members, esplaining:
- the team composition
- the opportunity that was chosen
- the idea/project main concept
- the expected impact
- the feasibility
The video, recorded with a mobile phone or computer (Loom or other software), can be uploaded to YouTube (marked as "Unlisted"), or to other storage systems (Drive, Dropbox).
In the video, it is not mandatory to show the slides or demos of the idea.
The link to the video must be included in the project submission form.
Project evaluation criteria
The jury of experts in different sectors (economy, tourism, entrepreneurship, public administration, sustainability, etc ...) will evaluate all the projects submitted. Each juror will evaluate it independently. Subsequently, a plenary session will define the list of the 4 most promising projects.
Five criteria are used to evaluate projects:
- The relevance of the project/idea to the opportunity it responds to. The project must clearly be a response to the opportunity.
- Materialize a clear measurable long-term positive impact. The long-term impact perspective must be clear and represent the overall approach of the project.
- Alignment with one or more SDGs. The project could have a clear reference to one or more Sustainable Development Goals. We consider as an additional value a clear explanation of how it contributes to their achievement.
- Compatibility with the Ticino tourist context. The project or idea must take into consideration the context of local feasibility. Indicating how this can be applied in Switzerland (and beyond) is a plus.
- Progress made during the 24 hours of the hackathon. We are interested in clearly understanding what are the evolutions of the project or idea during the hackathon, especially for pre-existing projects.
The four most promising Fu-turismo projects will be communicated during the closing ceremony of the Visionary Day, on 9 October 2020.
The prize for the most promising projects
Four projects will be rewarded with:
- financial support (amount still being defined) that must be used to develop the idea or project further.
- participation in a post-hackathon program with tutors and experts who will support the teams during the next six months. The program aims to facilitate the transition of projects/ideas to a higher maturity level.